Export data hosted by project details

Client Administrators can view the Data Hosted by Project table on the Client Dashboard. For more information about this dashboard, refer to the Client Dashboard topic.

Perform the following procedure to sort, filter, and export data hosted by project details.

  1. In the Home page, click and then select .

  2. You can sort the grid by any column. The sort order works as a toggle.
    • Click an unsorted column name to sort the data in the column by ascending order ().
    • If you prefer to see the column in descending order, click the ascending sorted column name again ().
  3. You can filter the grid to show only rows that match specific information in a column.
    • To add a filter to a column, perform the following steps.
      1. Hover your mouse over the column name until it displays . Hover on that filter icon until it turns green (), then click the icon.
      2. In the Filter dialog box, check one or more items to display for that column.
        1. Click outside of the dialog box to close it.

    • To remove filters in a column, perform the following steps.
      1. Click on the column.
      2. In the dialog box, click to uncheck one or more items.
      3. Click outside of the dialog box to close it.
  4. To export this table, perform the following steps.
    1. Click at the top right of the table.
    2. In the System Prompt dialog box, click CONFIRM.
    3. When the CSV file appears at the bottom of the page, select it to view. Alternatively, you can access the file in your Windows Downloads folder.